Our mission is to safely provide our member-owners with
reliable, sustainable and innovative energy solutions.
KPC by the Numbers

Dedicated Employees


Miles of Line
Thursday | February 22, 2024
Partners for EV Training
Industry generosity ignites new electric vehicle service course at Ridgewater.
Wednesday | September 27, 2023
KPC's Ford Lightning Powers Concert
Kandiyohi Power's Ford Lightning Powers Concert
Improving the quality of life for those we serve.
Kandiyohi Power Cooperative's Vision
Use SmartHub to pay our bill online, see energy usage, report an outage, manage your account, contact the co-op and more!
Read the Recent Issue!
Kilowatt is the Kandiyohi Power Cooperative newsletter used to keep members informed of Kandiyohi Power news, changes that affect their service, programs and services available and much more!